It’s All Up Here: 25 Techniques to Improve Knowledge Management

Her workshops and seminars cover a variety of topics including: transportation alternatives, marketing, government regulations, public speaking and motivational techniques.

The County of Los Angeles+USC Medical Center presented Melinda Sue Norin with an award after the creation of an effective in-house computer tracking program, multi-site marketing campaign, successful promotional fair, logo design/branding and new hire presentation.

Dr. Norin has also honored by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Supervisor’s with a Certificate of Appreciation after designing a successful school-wide promotional campaign. Metro awarded her the prestigious Diamond Award for the LAC+USC Transportation Alternatives Program she designed. Also, Dr. Norin has received hundreds of letters of appreciation for her consulting and training approach.

As a strategic consultant, she identifies the metrics for organizational effectiveness using research, surveys, focus groups, marketing themes, facilitation skills and motivational techniques.

Dr. Norin wrote “The Value and Application of Knowledge Management for Organizational Excellence” highlighting the value of identifying, gathering and transferring corporate knowledge for peak performance, sustainability and maximizing profits.

Dr. Norin has been interested in the psychological aspects of motivation and behavior for years. She joined the American Counseling Association in 1999, years before earning her doctoral in psychology.

For her publication, consulting work and insight, Dr. Norin was awarded a 2016 Irwin Award for “Best Niche Campaign” from the Book Publicists of Southern California.

How can she assist your organization? Are there departments, individuals or goals that have not yet reached their full potential?